Notes to SharePoint Migration - Part1
Caution: This series of articles is written for those who already having some acquaintance with Lotus Notes and SharePoint and involved/to be involved in the data migration to SharePoint.
The data migration from IBM Lotus Notes to a Microsoft SharePoint application involves detailed analysis of portability between the source and the target. Indeed there are various aspects of migration have to be considered before carry out the real data migration that include feasibility study on the source application, effort estimation of migration, infrastructure flexibility, identification of the friendly tool to facilitate the migration process and so on.
For my migration assignment, I have been using the Quest Notes Migration tool. Please bear in mind that various reference mentioned with respect to the properties of facilitator tool design points to Quest NM and there might little or no change of the design in the other facilitator tools (or may not available at all!!).
I like to bring out a series on the little pre cautions to be taken just before the actual migration to avoid the errors in the resulted migration and bivalent works.
Field: Date and Time
Verify with source Lotus Notes form design on required date field(s). Decide to proceed for either date only, date & time or text in the resultant migrated content. Based on this write a formula to combine in the date and time values of Notes data.There are two ways by which without modifying the source data (source date field value). Either you write the conversion notes formula in a view and refer that column number in the facilidator tool or write the formula directly in the tool itself. Quest NM will allow you to write all sort of Notes formula for migration data and these formulas are processed on the fly. When writing/pasting the formula, make sure the formula apprears in a no line breaks.Quest NM tool normally takes all sorts of complex formula.
TIPS: Before pasting the formula in the facilitator tool, test the same formula in either notes view, preferably private view and ensure the formula is very correct.
Field: Keyword
While migrating the keyword field values to SharePoint, ensure that migrated keyword values appear in all/new SharePoint records (items) in edit mode.
Sometimes respective keyword in LN design use complex formula to generate values from configuration records. Copying these values from Notes to the SharePoint keyword meta data (column) might be tedious task as the values pulled from multiple configurations records. But these values are required while creating the keyword column in SharePoint Application.(It is correct that while doing migration, enable specific property in the facilitator tool to automatically store keyword values. If the migrated data are not having all the values of the configuration, then follow this small tricky stuff!!)
Sometimes respective keyword in LN design use complex formula to generate values from configuration records. Copying these values from Notes to the SharePoint keyword meta data (column) might be tedious task as the values pulled from multiple configurations records. But these values are required while creating the keyword column in SharePoint Application.(It is correct that while doing migration, enable specific property in the facilitator tool to automatically store keyword values. If the migrated data are not having all the values of the configuration, then follow this small tricky stuff!!)
To smartly get these values, open any lotus records in edit mode in web browser. Look for HTML content by 'View Source'. Find the field values in the source and copy to past in SharePoint Meta data column.Voila!